Break the Boundary
Code Of Conduct
1. Purpose
This Code of conduct (Code) supports Break the Boundary Inc. to adopt and implement the National Standards for Disability Services.
Break the Boundary is committed to best practice in all aspects of service delivery. This Code supports the people who work with us and empowers people with disability in relation to their rights.
2. Scope & objectives
This Code of conduct outlines Break the Boundary’s Management Committee (Board) expectations for the standards of behaviour and conduct expected from personnel including volunteers, paid employees and contractors to Break the Boundary.
Personnel are expected to be familiar with the Code and use it at all times when carrying out duties on behalf of Break the Boundary Inc.
This Code is supplementary to Break the Boundary’s Volunteer Agreement and any subsequent employee contracts.
This Code is managed and adopted by the Management Committee.
3. Review
This policy is subject to a review at any time from its last issue.
The policy shall be reviewed by the Management Committee and amendments noted in the cover page table with the corresponding revision number.
Any updates or reviews shall be distributed to all Break the Boundary volunteers and employees at the soonest possible time after its adoption.
Any concerns regarding this Policy from Break the Boundary personnel should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer or a member of the Management Committee.
4. Policy
This policy applies to all personnel formally associated and registered with Break the Boundary Inc. as:
support persons,
project directors,
project managers and coordinators, and
executive committee members.
The policy is based around key principals as listed below.
4.1 Respect
4.1.1 All personnel listed above are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. They must be honest and fair in dealings with people with disability and their families, carers, co-workers, management and the public.
4.1.2 Personnel must treat everyone with respect and not discriminate against people based on disability, cultural background, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, union membership or non-membership.
4.1.3 Personnel should not behave in any way that might offend or embarrass another person.
4.1.4 Personnel should respect Break the Boundary property. This includes use of funds, equipment, technology, records and confidential information.
4.1.5 Personnel must respect private information of others and keep information confidential while carrying out duties on behalf of Break the Boundary and afterwards into the future.
4.1.6 Personnel are not to upload, download, use, retrieve or access any materials which are deemed inappropriate and/or offensive. This includes but is not limited to content that is sexual or illegal, copyrighted or defamatory.
4.1.7 Personnel should request permission from individuals or their legal guardians or carers to take and or publish photos, videos or depictions of an individual. Electronic data should be secured on a central and secured storage application and removed from any equipment not belonging to Break the Boundary.
4.2 Professionalism
4.2.1 Personnel need to ensure their appearance is neat and tidy and appropriate to the work environment.
4.2.2 If Personnel are late or cannot report for duties, they must telephone and let the appropriate manager or program coordinator know as soon as possible. Contact can be made to inform participants if the manager or program coordinator are unavailable in a timely manner or if the matter is urgent in nature.
4.2.3 If personnel are required to leave the area in which the activity is conducted for personal reasons they should advise their manager or program coordinator as soon as possible.
4.2.4 Personnel must not use work time for private gain.
4.2.5 Managers need to be advised if personnel receive a gift over the value of $50. Personnel must not seek gifts or benefits in relation to your work.
4.2.6 Personnel must not make any statements to the media or on social media about Break the Boundary operations without prior approval from an executive Management Committee Member, CEO or project director, unless part of existing duties. Requests for statements should be referred to the CEO.
4.3 Safety
4.3.1 Personnel must not use any form of physical or verbal abuse in the workplace. Inappropriate or vulgar language during the delivery of Break the Boundary services shall be avoided during the furtherance of duties.
4.3.2 Personnel must not perform duties in circumstances where there is a risk to safety, or which may compromise the health or safety of others. Report any workplace risks to the CEO or project director as soon as possible.
4.3.3 Personnel must not perform duties outside their delegated duties as detailed in a signed volunteer agreement or employee contract.
4.3.4 Personnel must not smoke, drink alcohol, consume illicit drugs before or during the delivery of Break the Boundary services.
4.3.5 Personnel must not take prescribed medications or supplements that may adversely affect the safety of themselves or others, efficiency of service and attention when carrying our duties during Break the Boundary activities.
4.4 Leadership and stewardship
4.4.1 Managers and supervisors should ensure personnel are familiar with this Code and that they have sufficient skills, knowledge and ability to meet the requirements.
4.4.2 Managers and supervisors should lead by example and not condone, permit, or fail to report any suspected breaches of the Code.
4.4.3 In the event of a suspected breach, personnel must maintain confidentiality and limit information sharing during grievances and disputes.
4.4.4 They should ensure support is available to all parties during an investigation process.
4.4.5 The management committee and its activities in governing the Association are subject to the Rules of Association (Constitution) and shall follow its guidance to breaches and disputes.
4.4.6 Personnel who breach this Code or break the law may be subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment or contract for service.
4.5 Legal requirements
4.5.1 All operational and management personnel must be truthful in all declarations they make and comply with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, regulations, contracts and all lawful and reasonable directions from Break the Boundary.
4.5.2 Any violations of law, ethical principles, policies and this Code of conduct must be promptly reported to the CEO or a member of the executive Management Committee.
5. Safeguarding children and vulnerable people
5.1 Policy guidance
5.1.1 All personnel representing BTB on an official capacity, when conducting their delegated duties must apply the principles outlined in the Working with Children and Vulnerable People Policy and Procedures.
5.1.2 All BTB personnel carrying out duties that involve interaction with children or vulnerable people shall have a current and valid WWCC and Police Checks as per the BTB Policy.
5.1.3 In all practical instances during BTB services and programs, at least two BTB personnel with the appropriate WWCC and Police Checks, should be present with children.
5.1.4 In all practical instances during BTB services and programs, at least one female BTB personnel with the appropriate WWCC and Police Checks, should be present with female members, unless the participant has advised otherwise.
5.2 Additional procedures for BTB personnel
5.2.1 Further to the policy, and due to the closeness and physical nature of some activities and services provided by BTB, individuals must conduct their duties in a respectful, dignified and appropriate manner.
5.2.2 Unless in the event of an emergency, to prevent imminent harm or with the explicit consent from the participant or their carer, parent or guardian, BTB personnel should avoid:
a) contact in inappropriate areas of participants, whether perceived or actual,
b) unsolicited pulling, pushing, grabbing, restraining or harnessing
c) handling of personal items including mobility aids, medical devices and assistive technology
5.2.3 While conducting duties, BTB personnel shall not use inappropriate, lude or vulgar language, verbally harass, exploit, abuse or neglect members and participants.
5.2.4 BTB personnel are accountable to report to their supervisor or management team member if they witness any form of misconduct.
Break the Boundary Management Committee
Last reviewed March 2022