Adaptive Hiking

Come and Try It Inductions

Welcome to Break the Boundary!

We’re so excited to see you’ve booked in for your Come and Try It Induction Session for Adaptive Hiking! Once you’ve completed your induction session, you can start exploring our wonderful hikes in the Perth Hills and make your way through our program of hiking experiences! To see our hikes on offer, check out

Your upcoming session:

The initial consultation is essential to your adaptive hiking journey. You will meet with our Break the Boundary occupational therapist, where we can trial you in our hiking chariots and make sure your set up is comfortable! You will meet some of our adaptive hiking leaders and once we've found the right set up for you, we will take you for a little loop around the precinct so you can make sure you're comfortable on the move as well. We're excited to meet you; take you off flat surfaces and out into nature! Once you've been inducted, you're ready to join us discovering the trails in the Perth Hills! We have 10 excellent trails to go and explore together!

Please arrive 10 minutes beforehand.

We will be meeting here:

Break the Boundary

Kalamunda Camel Farm

361 Paulls Valley Rd, Paulls Valley WA 6076

**Please note we are located within the Camel Farm precinct. We are the shed at the very end. Gravel ACROD bays are available at the front of the facility.

Accessible toilets are available within 80 m of our facility.

Refer to the Participant Information Pack for more details.

Action Items


We really appreciate you filling out this paper work before you attend your session. Please note, the wifi can be temperamental at the hub in Kalamnuda, and we strongly encourage you to take the time (20 mins max) to complete this paperwork prior to your session!

1. Make sure you're a member (free, essential) Register here

2. If you haven't already, please fill out this intake form medical screening is really important to us to make sure you’re at maximum comfort (definitely not to exclude you!)

3. Sign our Medical Liability (essential) and Media Waiver (optional)


Companions, carers, friends or family are welcome to attend at no cost. They are welcome to hike with the participant and hiking leaders, but they will need to be competent in hiking independently.

Any companions or carers joining you for this consultation will need to:

1. Make sure you're a member (free, essential) Register here

2. Fill out this form:

Please note, there is limited phone/ Wifi reception at the Hub, we strongly recommend you take the time to fill these out at home.

Estimated time: 20 minutes to complete.

Please note: Our adaptive hiking leaders, therapists and personnel are not trained to manage individual care needs including continence, feeding, breathing and medication administration. The participant (or their responsible person) is required to provide their own care assistant where necessary to each session.

Your upcoming session:

The initial consultation is essential to your adaptive hiking journey. You will meet with our Break the Boundary therapist, where we can trial you in our hiking chariots and make sure your set up is comfortable! You will meet some of our adaptive hiking leaders and once we've found the right set up for you, we will take you for a little loop around the precinct so you can make sure you're comfortable on the move as well. We're excited to meet you; take you off flat surfaces and out into nature! Once you've been inducted, you're ready to join us discovering the trails in the Perth Hills! We have 10 excellent trails to go and explore together!

Be prepared:

Even though in our first session we won't be going too far- it's important that you're still prepared. We will be going out into the bush! Some parts of the track are out in the sun- we'd recommend wearing long pants and bringing something that can cover your upper body. Check the weather forecast for the day of your hike and consider warm/ wet weather clothing if required. We will contact you to reschedule if there is a severe

weather warning.

Please bring with you:

  • AS/NZS certified cycling helmet, if you have one

  • Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses

  • Food/ snacks/ water

  • Any medication and care plan (if applicable)

  • Toiletries, personal hygiene and care products (if applicable)

  • Any other things you may need to help you feel more comfortable


This induction session, including our little test hike, will take no longer than 60 minutes. This includes set up and preparation time. Please arrive 10 mins early to your session.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact us in advance via return email.

Paperwork reminder/Checklist:

  • Participant is a member

  • Participant has completed medical intake form

  • Participant has completed the medical liability form (essential) and the Media Waiver form (optional)

  • Companions, carers, friends or family joining us on the day are registered individually as members

  • Companions, carers, friends or family have completed the carers and companions form

(We know there's lots here and we really appreciate your cooperation!)

We look forward to seeing you!